Jumat, 27 Juni 2008

100% philophobia Day

ha! another issued...
gara-gara tuan B yang satu itu gw jadi beneran turn into 100% philophobia kronis. Akhirnya memang terbukti semua-semua yang jalan sama gw, end up nya cuma begitu saja...DAMN!! what's the problem with me??? something wrong with me i guess........................................

sebagai pengantar... buat yang ga tau apa itu philopobia.
Philophobia itu berasal dari gabungan kata Philia dan Phobia.
Philia sendiri artinya Love dan Phobia itu artinya Fear. Nah kalo diartikan secara penggabungan kata philophobia berarti afraid to falling in love or being in love.


So you have already know what i feel rite now rite away
kan. Damn it feels not so good for me. Kalo menyangkut kegagalan seperti ini lagi gue udah makin ngeri aja... takut buat ngarep sesuatu yang baru. Ah, cinta memang gila, cinta itu jahat dan penuh tipu daya. Well mungkin sebelum Tuan B itu datang di kehidupan gw, gw memang sudah menjadi bagian dari orang-orang philopobia dan gw berkata demikian pun pada si bapak itu. Sampailah dia come into my life, fill my brain, fill my soul (halah lebaayyy...) dan sampai lah kepada hukum alam "when u fallin in love then the risk is having a broken hearted". dan he dumped me i guess...gak cuma itu aja..he played my heart.... (damn damn damn damn damn damn..yes you are DAMN MORON!!!!!!!)

sudah menjadi hukum alam...yin and yang..night and day...happy and sad...

kacau.....im in deep shit!

Rabu, 25 Juni 2008

Heart Broken Moments

Tips for someone -especially for girls and women- who had a heartbroken moment.

Some says that heartbroken moment just like you meet your 'fallin in love' moment . But sometimes we dont know how to handle with it or deal with it. Here's i will give you some tips how can u heal from broken hearted kinda way, how you can handle it and beat it!

1. GO to your room , CRY a loud and GO SLEEP
When you are feeling restless and disapointed of being dump or rejected, and sad because of heartbroken moment. Just go and lock your room, crying out loud or at least just cry, trown up your sadness, your emotion and feeling good about it. After so much crying, you will be very tired and the next thing you have to do is GO SLEEPING then wake up in a better way. The new you for a brand new day.

Minus : its not that easy to forget the person you love only just for one night. well yea it will takes time to do that, but i believe that crying and sleeping is the best solution when u had a break up.

2. GO to bookstore nearby, BUY some romantic happy ending kinda stories
Read a romantic book which had a happy ending part, will help you to forget your problem. At least you will have eager to have another dream to find new love for your life.

Minus : it wont work for someone who doesnt like to read...Khikhikhi..but it works on me, and now i did. yay!

3. Take your ONE DAY alone, watch DVD's and doing things alone
Dont think about him, just take your time to watch as many as DVDs you have. Especially comedy, that will help you a lot to forget the pain that he scratch on your heart. Give your time to laugh at it and be happy with the film.

Minus : if you dont have your own TV and DVD player, and the worst if you dont have comedy genre kinda way...suck isnt?haha

4. GO to KARAOKE or at least SING out loud
Music is the key. Listen to musics that can give you new spirit to face a reality and take what already happen and just go... Life wont end if he's not with you. You still have a change to get a new part of your love stories. Its not ending yet...you can sing the "get over you" things or just "im so over it".. it will make you feel so much better.

Minus : If you dont love to sing... You better go and suicide your self. hahaha...no its a joke!!

So, i think it may help. Cause, honesty it works on me...and i already passed it on. and now i found my self in a better way...but hehehe..still afraid to move on from my meditation. oia, i think im into 100% philopobic. sssssshhhhhh.....

Senin, 16 Juni 2008

re-bounce ??

fallin in love then heartbroken... its just a common issued that happen in our lives. and you said its enough to have such a feeling cause u know u've been played by him/her...you've been betrayed, your girl/boy cheated on you..thats sound not good, but thats really happen.

and i think, i need a re-bounce from all the things that happened lately. after so much crying, going home to my momma house and cried all day, watched dvd's, sleep till bored, doin nothing just thinking about him. that sucks anyway...but yes i did.

but...after so much time to get alone and cry of course (yes that was my last cry! i mean it!! damn i still luv him...hahahahahaha)... im starting to think that SHOULD I HAVE A RE-BOUNCE?

damn, i've been thinking a lot for these issue. someone says that if u want to survive from a hearthbroken things u should at least have some one as a re-bounce to help you to forget the person u love. but once again i talked to my self..do i need a re-bounce instead of thinking about him again and again and makes me blue...???owwhhh that sucks rite. but having a re-bounce its not a bad idea...

but... conciously thinking why i should go for that? i dont need a re-bounce.. i just need a time to forget about it, to bulid the things up, to help me out from this madness. i know he've been good to me. and i considered him as a friend, a best friend maybe. That was his rights to lost the feeling inside, and this is my rights too, to having this feeling. Now i realize that i just need an extra time to forgive and forget. beacause some says that TIME WILL HEAL. and i already proved it before with dytbdn, then why cant i with this one???

Rabu, 11 Juni 2008


kecewa bikin gw jadi banyak makan...
padahal menurut kalkulasi gw bodi gw udah ideal, tapi kalau menurut peoples around me (halah..) gw masih dibilang kurus. Well, i dont think i am skinny i just call it LANGSING. Man, langsing berbeda dengan KURUS. karena langsing berawalan huruf L dan Kurus berawalan huruf K. No, thats not the point.
Sebenernya kenapa semua orang bilang gw kurus sih, padahal sebenernya gw lebih mengkategorikan bodi gw ini langsing. Hahaha..kek nya kejam gitu mendengar kata KURUS, kesannya gw menelantarkan badan gue sendiri. Kalo langsing kan terdengar lebih halus, dan memang tujuannya gw sedang menjaga bodi. Tapi ini nih perut gw masih saingan sama boops gw. Jadi kalo ibarat huruf tuh ya..bodi gue tampak samping terlihat seperti huruf B. Kecil di atas besar di bawah. Apa hayyooo...??

wait a minute...kayaknya tadi gue ga mo ngomongin masalah berat badan gue deh. yasud lah ya..udah terlanjur.

jadi kan lately i had a situation yang well i dont know how it just can be a serious problem to me. About dissapointing with something and someone, and it makes me so nervous these days lately. Dan yang parahnya... nafsu makan gue jadi gede banget. Kalo orang patah hati ga napsu makan tapi kalo gue malah gila makannya.

LAh emang gue lagi patah hati yaa?? Hahahaahahaha...Pelacur!! (pelan-pelan curhat)

Yah tapi mengingat ada hubungan dengan paragraf pertama dimana orang2 disekitar gw menyatakan kalau sekarang akyu tampak jauh lebih KURUS dibanding yang lalu (ya iya lah ya...gw turun 3 kilo dan belum kembali lagi ke sedia kala). AJdi ya..ada hikmah yang bisa gw ambil dari situasi yang gue alami bebrapa hari ini. Gw bisa lagi memprogramkan menaikan berat badan dan gw berfikiran untuk kembali berolah raga...seperti kembali melakukan aktifitas berenang di weekend mungkin. Wait...wait... gw belum bisa berenang dink, dokter melarang muka kyu yang lagi kayak ebi furai ini nyemplung ke dalam air kaporit.

So, next step that im gonna do is...upgrading my weight. Semangat! GanBate!!

Selasa, 10 Juni 2008

masa sih???

masa sih cuma segini aja..??

cetek banget?!

gak solid ah...

kok cuma begitu aja...

ga tulus ah.....sigh...

Sabtu, 07 Juni 2008

gosip abis!

sebuah percakapan di malam hari....

Sara Ditaputri: emak lo dah buat pengumuman
Sara Ditaputri: ktnya lo ktemuan sama pedekatean lo
Sara Ditaputri: huakakakakk
yemima virdy: anjir!yemima virdy: gosiiip abissss
yemima virdy: dasar ibu2!
Sara Ditaputri: udah di announce ke gw dan emak gw
Sara Ditaputri: huakakakakk
yemima virdy: taaaaaaaaaiiiiiiii
Sara Ditaputri: gw ampe hampir nabrak truk
yemima virdy: hahahahahahaha


already paid...

Ummm...mission clear..accomplished!

feels happy?!

feels so damn good

what do you think?

why dont we see later on...

wud he??

we'll see....hahahahahahaha...

Jumat, 06 Juni 2008

drown path



damn, he's lie!!

Rabu, 04 Juni 2008

and i...?

she is the sun and she is the day...
i am the moon and i am the night..
i cant be the sun or the day just because they need me...
but she can be the moon and the night in same situation.
She can be day and night in the right place,
she can be a WHOLE day.

and i...?

and im just a little piece of his day.

Senin, 02 Juni 2008

can i walk with you??

India Arie Lyrics
Can I Walk With You Lyrics

For your information, this song represent my heart.
and i loved to wondering that he cud be the one i sing this song to.
but...the day is gone.
and im just alone...but i kept this song.
(the day u ask me for a friend-Mn)